Monday, June 24, 2013

CD 2 (I Think...): 3 Days Post Laparoscopy

Recovery from the procedure hasn't been too bad, thankfully. My stomach has still been pretty sore, making it a bit difficult to stand up, sit down, and especially bend over to get anything. I think my period started yesterday (which is when it should have started), but then again, it could also be bleeding from the lap/hysteroscopy/D&C/polypectomy. I'm kind of hoping it's my period because that would possibly mean we could try on our own this cycle. 

I've been doing some reading on polyps and their relationship to infertility. Everything I have found basically says that they might be a cause of infertility, but it hasn't exactly been proven yet. One study found that after having uterine polyps removed, 64 women got pregnant (out of 215), but only 29 got pregnant that didn't have them removed. I'm not sure of the time frame it took for these women to get pregnant. Another study showed that 63% of women got pregnant with IUI after removal and only 28% got pregnant with IUI that still had polyps.  Again, I'm not sure if this was on the first attempt of an IUI or what. Either way, those studies make me a little bit hopeful that maybe our issue is fixed! 

I also read that the polyps can act as an IUD, but that depends on the size and location of the polyps in the uterus. Plus, apparently the polyps can also reduce blood flow to the uterine lining. I kind of wonder if since my uterus is so small, it might make the issues even worse, since there is only half the amount of uterine lining that a normal person would have.

My post-op appointment is July 2nd, so hopefully I will know more then!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Laparoscopy Complete!

Based on my post title, I obviously didn't get pregnant naturally this last cycle. I was definitely bummed, but having the laparoscopy kind of made me feel we were doing something else to help us get pregnant. Basically, everything looked pretty good overall. I had two uterine polyps, so my RE performed a polypectomy. He also removed my right tube and uterine remnant (where the other half of my uterus didn't form correctly - hence the unicornuate uterus).

The surgery wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When they took me back I started crying... I think because I was just nervous and kind of scared. I had a bit of nausea yesterday, which unfortunately made me throw up twice, but I'm fine today. The only annoying things right now are a sore throat from the breathing tube and the intense pain in my belly button. It especially hurts when I try to get up from sitting down. I'm not taking any pain medication other than tylenol because I know it makes me sick. Hopefully the pain will start to go away soon. Here are a few internal pics from the surgery...

Uterine remnant being removed

Uterine remnant being removed

After uterine remnant was removed

Two polyps that were removed

After the polyps were removed

I was so thankful that both my parents and husband were with me for my surgery. It was nice to spend some time with my parents especially since I don't see them very often (they live in Ohio). I made my dad a belated birthday meal: fish tacos, corn on the cob, and butterfinger cheesecake for dessert. (Cheesecake and butterfingers are his favorites!) While they were here my dad also put some new lights around our back patio, and I LOVE them! 

Best cheesecake I've ever eaten

View of lights from side of patio

View of lights from the front of the patio

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

9 DPO: Getting Anxious

I don't really have anything too new to report. Like usual, I tested early... BFN, of course. I kind of feel like I need to test early this cycle though, since my laparoscopy is Friday at 12 DPO. I was feeling optimistic, but at this point I feel like I will more than likely be having the surgery on Friday. I'm absolutely dreading it.

In other semi-related news, Katie Couric's show today was on infertility. One of the guests had what I have - a unicornuate uterus! Seeing as how it's pretty rare, I was surprised... and a little disheartened because they haven't had success as of yet.

I will update again probably on Thursday!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

3 DPO: Surgery Scheduled

I had my appointment yesterday to get my surgery scheduled. It's on the books for June 21st... as in next Friday! I will be 12 DPO then, so I'm just really, really hoping that if this is the cycle for us that I'll know by then. My mom and dad will be staying with us the night of the surgery. They were already going to be visiting and just decided to stay an extra night, so I'm thankful for that! I'm extremely nervous about the surgery, though. I've never had a major surgery before. If I end up having it, I just hope everything goes smoothly!

I could have had it June 28th, the following Friday, but we are going to Myrtle Beach, SC, with J's family on July 3rd, and I just didn't know how I'd be feeling! We were originally going to go out of the country, but we couldn't pass up a free trip! Here is the hotel we are staying at:

Needless to say, I'm pretty excited to get away for a few days! In other baby-making news, yesterday when I was leaving the doctor's office, I noticed on the paper they always give you with all the medical codes that PCOS was circled. I asked the surgery scheduler about it because at that time, my appointment was already over. Apparently I was diagnosed with it in February?! WTH?! My RE never even said anything to me about it. Like, at all. So... that is kind of confusing me. I don't understand why he would diagnose me in February when I had my initial blood work all done in November. Anyway, this is definitely something I plan on asking him about at my next appointment, which will probably be my post-op appointment. I'm just wondering why I'm not taking any meds like metformin if I do have PCOS. So strange!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

CD 16: I've Got One of Those Feelings...

It goes without saying that as someone who is dealing with infertility, I've unfortunately had to experience many, many unsuccessful cycles over a long period of time. (In case you are wondering, we are currently in month 19 and cycle number 16... meaning 15 times we have had to suffer through the extreme disappointment of not being pregnant.) 

For whatever reason, this cycle just feels different somehow. I have this overwhelming optimistic feeling that this cycle could be it for us.

Maybe it's the fact that lately it seems so many people who are dealing with infertility have gotten pregnant when they are on a treatment break... which is our situation right now as my upcoming laparoscopic surgery approaches. I keep thinking about what an incredible miracle it would be for God to bless us with a pregnancy this cycle when we are going all natural.

Maybe I am feeling hopeful because I am focusing so much on my health right now... taking a fish oil daily, eating right (lots of fresh fruits and veggies and very few carbs), and walking 2 miles five times a week.

Maybe it's because based on OPKs, it looks like I might get a positive tomorrow, which would be the earliest I've ever had one without medication. (I've ovulated as late as CD 40.)

Maybe it's because the timing would be perfect. The due date would be the beginning of March... which is just perfect as a teacher. I think I'd have enough days to get me all the way to summer break!

Most importantly, though, maybe it was the message I heard at church last Sunday entitled, "How to Change Your World," which was all about overcoming obstacles. One phrase I wrote down was "Put your foot on the devil of disease." I couldn't help but think of infertility as soon as this statement was made. The message also made me think of Romans 8:18, which basically states that the pain I've been feeling is nothing compared to the joy that's coming...

Maybe I'm wrong... but I pray with all my heart that this feeling will come to fruition.