Wednesday, January 2, 2013

CD 8: Nervous Energy

I am so incredibly nervous today. Not about anything that's happening today. I'm nervous about what's happening tomorrow - two things, to be exact.  Numero uno... J is finally giving his semen sample to be analyzed. It's been hard for him to find time to get it taken care of because he travels every week for work and isn't home a whole lot. So, tomorrow morning he's bringing it in at 8:00 AM. I am really hoping everything is perfect with it, because we really don't need one more card stacked against us. Seeing as how I have thyroid problems, irregular cycles, low progesterone, and a unicornuate uterus.

Which brings me to reason number two why I'm a big ball of nervous energy. I'm having an ultrasound tomorrow to check out my uterus a little bit more. The HSG was pretty clear in revealing my half-uterus, so I'm not 100% sure what they will be looking for. Personally, I'm hoping I find out how many ovaries I have. I don't know if I should be praying for one or two. If I have one, is that a bad thing? Would it have to work too hard to compensate for a missing ovary? Or, if I have two, how likely is it for eggs from one ovary to get to my only fallopian tube on the opposite side?  Lots of questions.... so hopefully tomorrow will bring lots of answers. And hopefully, we will get good news for once!

In (somewhat) other news, how annoying is it that Kim Kardashian is pregnant? Seriously? Isn't she still married to that other guy?! Maybe I'd feel differently if I wasn't a so-called "infertile," but the above was my first thought, quickly followed by poor Khloe! It must be really annoying for her to have to deal with both of her unwed obnoxious sisters popping out babies all the time when she has been trying so long for one of her own. 

This is just another example of how it always feels like everyone is pregnant. Everyone but me, of course.  Like I said yesterday, though, I just know 2013 will be our year.