Thursday, January 3, 2013

CD 9: It's Creeping Back In...

Relief. It absolutely washed over me at my RE appointment this morning. We actually got some good news. I was prepared to hear the worst, as nothing has really gone our way lately. Today's appointment was different, though. It was better. I waited for over an hour past my appointment, which gave plenty of time for my nervousness to kick in full force. Once my RE finally came in the room, I talked with him for a little bit about everything we've done so far and the fact that my progesterone was way too low last cycle. Then, I had a date with the dildo cam to confirm my previous diagnosis of having a unicornuate uterus.  My RE wanted to make sure I didn't instead have a septate or bicorunate uterus. But I don't. It's definitely unicornuate.

I also learned that I have both ovaries and both kidneys. What a lovely consolation prize. I am apparently about to ovulate from my left ovary, which is the same side my uterus and lone fallopian tube reside on, and my lining looks great. And... J's semen analysis came back normal! I was and am so, so excited about that because it's one less thing we have to worry about. Although, I guess it does mean it's just me that's the problem. Awesome. 

Anyway, I can feel it. The hope, that is. It's creeping back in. It always creeps back in about this time in my cycle, no matter how much I try to keep it at bay. Of course, receiving good news today only served to add to my need to begin hoping for a positive outcome. I guess it's just my nature, because I can't help but hope that this will be our cycle. Here's to hoping!