Wednesday, June 12, 2013

3 DPO: Surgery Scheduled

I had my appointment yesterday to get my surgery scheduled. It's on the books for June 21st... as in next Friday! I will be 12 DPO then, so I'm just really, really hoping that if this is the cycle for us that I'll know by then. My mom and dad will be staying with us the night of the surgery. They were already going to be visiting and just decided to stay an extra night, so I'm thankful for that! I'm extremely nervous about the surgery, though. I've never had a major surgery before. If I end up having it, I just hope everything goes smoothly!

I could have had it June 28th, the following Friday, but we are going to Myrtle Beach, SC, with J's family on July 3rd, and I just didn't know how I'd be feeling! We were originally going to go out of the country, but we couldn't pass up a free trip! Here is the hotel we are staying at:

Needless to say, I'm pretty excited to get away for a few days! In other baby-making news, yesterday when I was leaving the doctor's office, I noticed on the paper they always give you with all the medical codes that PCOS was circled. I asked the surgery scheduler about it because at that time, my appointment was already over. Apparently I was diagnosed with it in February?! WTH?! My RE never even said anything to me about it. Like, at all. So... that is kind of confusing me. I don't understand why he would diagnose me in February when I had my initial blood work all done in November. Anyway, this is definitely something I plan on asking him about at my next appointment, which will probably be my post-op appointment. I'm just wondering why I'm not taking any meds like metformin if I do have PCOS. So strange!


  1. Praying your surgery goes well!!! Also, don't worry about meds too much for PCOS unless you doctor seems concerned about it. You do not need to take Metformin unless you are also insulin resistant which can only be diagnosed through more blood work yippee lol. What an exciting vacay you have coming up also!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for the info... that definitely makes me feel a bit better!

  2. Praying that your surgery goes well. That hotel looks so awesome, have a great trip!!!
