Monday, June 24, 2013

CD 2 (I Think...): 3 Days Post Laparoscopy

Recovery from the procedure hasn't been too bad, thankfully. My stomach has still been pretty sore, making it a bit difficult to stand up, sit down, and especially bend over to get anything. I think my period started yesterday (which is when it should have started), but then again, it could also be bleeding from the lap/hysteroscopy/D&C/polypectomy. I'm kind of hoping it's my period because that would possibly mean we could try on our own this cycle. 

I've been doing some reading on polyps and their relationship to infertility. Everything I have found basically says that they might be a cause of infertility, but it hasn't exactly been proven yet. One study found that after having uterine polyps removed, 64 women got pregnant (out of 215), but only 29 got pregnant that didn't have them removed. I'm not sure of the time frame it took for these women to get pregnant. Another study showed that 63% of women got pregnant with IUI after removal and only 28% got pregnant with IUI that still had polyps.  Again, I'm not sure if this was on the first attempt of an IUI or what. Either way, those studies make me a little bit hopeful that maybe our issue is fixed! 

I also read that the polyps can act as an IUD, but that depends on the size and location of the polyps in the uterus. Plus, apparently the polyps can also reduce blood flow to the uterine lining. I kind of wonder if since my uterus is so small, it might make the issues even worse, since there is only half the amount of uterine lining that a normal person would have.

My post-op appointment is July 2nd, so hopefully I will know more then!

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