Saturday, December 29, 2012

CD 4: An Attempt to Uplift

I just read through all of my previous posts.  Talk about depressing.  So, in an attempt to lighten the mood and cheer myself up a bit, I decided to make a top ten list... The Top Ten Reasons Why I'm (Somewhat) Alright with Not Being Pregnant Quite Yet. Ahem...

1) I have more time to spend with my husband as just us, a family of two (or four if you count the fur babies).

2) Unless I go into labor super early, I'll have more time to get my classroom routines up and running next school year before maternity leave begins.

3) I need to lose weight.  Seeing as how I'm not pregnant, I have more time to accomplish this task.

4) We have additional time to save money.

5) Traveling can be much easier when there are no children to worry about.  In case I'm not pregnant by this summer (or not very far along), we'll likely travel some place new and exciting.  Currently the Domincan Republic and Hawaii are on the list.

6) People won't constantly be trying to pat, rub, or poke my belly.  Talk about an invasion of personal space. No thank you.

7) I like my sleep.  Like, a lot.

8) Speaking of sleep, I really like to sleep on my stomach.  Kind of difficult to do when you are pregnant.

9) Alcohol.  Need I say more?

10) I don't have to deal with morning sickness.  Or (more) stretch marks.  Or constipation.  Or any of those other not-so-fun pregnancy symptoms.  Although I would gladly suffer through them every single day of a pregnancy if it meant I'd finally be a mother.

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