Thursday, August 1, 2013

CD 9: Not In a Good Place

I had my first monitoring appointment today. Needless to say, it didn't go how I wanted it to go. My lining was at a 6. I'm not too worried about that because it's obviously too early. Apparently my follicles really didn't grow a whole lot from baseline. I had two 9mm follies on my right at baseline that are still at 9mm. I had a 6mm on my left that is now a 9mm. Those are the biggest follies I have, along with a ton of smaller ones.

So, after taking Bravelle 150iu for 5 days, it basically did a whole lot of nothing. When my nurse called me today, she said my E2 had only gone from a 33 at baseline to a 58 today. I don't know much about E2, but apparently that's not good. Now I have to take 225iu of Bravelle today, tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday... and then go back on Monday morning for more monitoring.

I guess I just assumed the injections would work some kind of miracle. Instead, we just paid another $650 for something that might not even work. However, I am remaining hopeful that the increase in meds is just what I need to make my follicles grow.

If you pray, please pray for the following:

1) For our finances to be in order... the costs this cycle are adding up FAST.
2) For the higher dose of meds to have the needed effect on my follies.
3) For me to be at peace with everything.

If I am being totally honest, today was one of the roughest days I've had in awhile. I feel so upset that my body isn't doing what it should be able to do naturally even WITH the help of a ridiculous amount of meds.


  1. I'm so sorry you are having to up the meds, but I'm seriously praying for you right now. I'm praying that this is your cycle!!

    1. Thanks, friend! I appreciate the prayers so much!
