Sunday, March 10, 2013

March Blogging Challenge - Day 10

Well, I survived one of the two back-to-back baby showers today.  I did much better than I thought I would, especially since I had already had to go to two different baby stores for presents for today and tomorrow's showers. Of course, the shower wouldn't have been complete without my MIL saying something along the lines of, "Look at all these grandmother's carrying around babies." This included a look in my direction that let me know she was ready for her turn. Believe me MIL, I'm ready for my turn, too!

Ok, on to the actual challenge... my daily routine! Yikes, this is probably going to be pretty boring, but my normal Sunday routine goes about like this:

6:30 - Get up and get ready... shower, makeup, etc.
7:30 - Leave to go to church.
8:00 - Church service... my favorite part of the day!
9:30 - Breakfast with J.
10:30 - Go with J to get his car cleaned. (Yes, this is a weekly thing. He's spoiled.)
11:00 - Get groceries for the week.
12:00 - Head home.
12:30 - Take a nap, read, watch TV, etc.

From that point, the rest of the day is always up in the air. Usually there's a walk thrown in, plus dinner of course, and at some point I always do my lesson plans for the upcoming week. Like I said, pretty boring!

Wish me luck that tomorrow's baby shower goes as well as today's did!


  1. I took on a craft project for the 2ww but your project by far should keep you occupied during your 2ww. lol Great job, it has been fun to read :)

    1. Ooh, I love a good craft project! And thanks... it's definitely keeping me busy. I just have to keep it up... we shall see if I am able to make it until I am actually late to test!
